We have been “with Africa” for over 70 years, to care, assist, train and drive development. We have been with the most vulnerable throughout our journey to support them and build a brighter future together. Although we drive development, we also arrive on the scene to deploy health personnel and equipment when crises strike. This is what it means to be “with Africa”. We were on the frontline when the Marburg epidemic spread across Angola, when South Sudan faced famine as when the tropical storm Idai hit Mozambique.
We are also on the forefront of the ongoing conflicts that do not make the headlines as those in South Sudan, Central African Republic and Ethiopia where we mobilize to support local response.
At the same time, we feel called upon to support the emergency response when crises rise either in neighbouring countries or at home as it is happening in Ukraine and as it has happened with the outbreak of Covid-19 in Italy. Together with local authorities, we design efficient interventions and we mobilize to overcome emergency and therefore drive development.
Supporting Doctors with Africa CUAMM you take concrete action in changing the life of many.
More than two thousand aid workers have served with Doctors with Africa CUAMM since 1950, offering both their professional and soft skills somewhere in the Sub-Saharan Africa.
Working in Africa we face challenges that weigh down our efforts providing basic medical interventions. Our commitment to guarantee medical health care to the most vulnerable, mainly mothers and children focuses on access to safe childbirth and neonatal care. We work to ensure nutrition is a right to everyone, everywhere and we keep responding to HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and epidemics, as we did when Ebola outbreak in 2014.
We need everyone's help to support our 23 hospitals in 8 countries.
Find out about the tax benefits you can get by supporting Doctors with Africa CUAMM.
Doctors with Africa CUAMM (Opera San Francesco Saverio) is an NGO (Non- Governmental Organization) recognized as eligible under Law No. 49/1987, enrolled in the list of Civil Society Organizations under Art. 26 of Law No. 125/2014, and it is also an ONLUS (Non-Profit Organization of Social Utility) under Legislative Decree No. 460/1997.Charitable donations made by any means of payment, excluding cash, provide for the following tax benefits:
Doctors with Africa CUAMM (Opera San Francesco Saverio) undertakes to keep accounting and analytical records that prove operational transactions and it is committed to drawing up a suitable documentation of its financial position and income statement regularly certified by an auditing firm within four months from the closure of the financial year.
In order for our supporters/donors to take advantage of tax benefits on charitable donations to our projects, at the request of the person concerned, CUAMM issues a invoice for each payment received by the party throughout the year. For these purposes, the name and tax code of the person who intends to take advantage of the benefit must be provided, including for those who are joint signers of the same check account or who use a joint postal account payment slip. The certificate may be requested by calling 049/8751279 or by sending an email to cuamm@cuamm.org - Attn: Administration Department. Please note that it is important to save both the invoice of the donations’ payment and the certification requested and provided by CUAMM, as far as established by the terms established by current tax legislation to allow the Italian Revenue Agency to review the tax return submitted by the taxpayer, if necessary. Donations made with a joint checking account, unless otherwise indicated by the interested party in the reason for payment, will be attributed to both joint holders.
Discover all the ways to donate
The simplest and most traditional method to
support our work:
Postal current account n° 17101353
payable to:
Medici con l’Africa Cuamm,
via San Francesco, 126 - 35121 Padua
Banca Popolare Etica
IBAN: IT 32C 0501812101 000011078904
Branch of Padua
Corso del Popolo 77, 35131 Padua
payable to:
Medici con l’Africa Cuamm,
via San Francesco, 126 - 35121 Padua
*Always remember to specify name, surname and address and "donation" in the reason for payment.
Medici con l'Africa Cuamm (Opera San Francesco Saverio) è una ONG (Organizzazione Non Governativa) riconosciuta idonea ai sensi della Legge n. 49/1987, in seguito iscritta nell’elenco delle Organizzazioni della Società Civile di cui all’art. 26 della Legge n. 125/2014, ed è una ONLUS (Organizzazione Non Lucrativa di Utilità Sociale) ai sensi del D.Lgs. n. 460/1997.
Le erogazioni liberali erogate con qualsiasi mezzo di pagamento, escluso il denaro contante, consentono i seguenti benefici fiscali:
Medici con l’Africa Cuamm (Opera San Francesco Saverio) attesta di tenere scritture contabili ed analitiche che rappresentano i fatti di gestione dell’Organizzazione e di redigere entro quattro mesi dalla chiusura dell’esercizio apposito documento rappresentativo della situazione patrimoniale, economica e finanziaria regolarmente certificato da una società di revisione.
Al fine di permettere ai nostri sostenitori/donatori di beneficiare delle agevolazioni fiscali sulle erogazioni liberali a nostro favore, su richiesta dell'interessato, il CUAMM emette una attestazione relativa ai versamenti eseguiti nel corso dell'anno. In tal caso è necessario comunicare il nominativo e il codice fiscale della persona che intende usufruire dell'agevolazione, in particolare per coloro che sono cointestatari di uno stesso c/c o che utilizzano un bollettino postale cointestato.
E' possibile richiedere l'attestazione telefonando al numero 049/8751279 o inviando una email a cuamm@cuamm.org - Attenzione Settore Amministrazione. Si ricorda che è importante conservare la ricevuta di versamento della donazione, unitamente all'attestazione eventualmente richiesta e fornita dal CUAMM, entro i termini stabiliti dalla normativa fiscale vigente per permettere all'Agenzia delle Entrate di effettuare gli eventuali controlli sulla dichiarazione fiscale presentata dal contribuente. Le donazioni effettuate con un c/c cointestato, salvo diversa indicazione da parte dell'interessato da esplicitare nella causale di versamento, saranno attribuite ad entrambi i cointestatari.
European regulation for the protection of personal data n. 679/2016
Leg. Dec. 30 June 2003 n. 196 (Italian personal data protection code)
Privacy for this website. Doctors with Africa CUAMM (an activity of the “Opera San Francesco Saverio” foundation) attaches great importance to user privacy and ensures full respect of the terms established by applicable regulations (Leg. Dec. 30 June 2003 n. 196, hereinafter “Code,” and the (EU) Regulation 2016/679, hereinafter “the Regulation”). This notice provides information on personal data processing that Doctors with Africa CUAMM captures through this website (hereinafter “Website”) and, therefore, in compliance with the above mentioned regulations, constitutes the privacy notice for parties that access it. The purpose of this privacy notice is to provide the maximum transparency with regard to the information that the www.mediciconlafrica.org Website collects and how it uses it.
Note: This privacy policy may be modified at any time, without prior notice, including according to integrations and modifications to applicable laws and regulations, or due to organizational decisions. We, therefore, suggest Users periodically consult this section of the Site.
Disclosure requirements. The Regulation sets a series of obligations on data controllers who process the personal data of others (interested parties). This notice is provided only and exclusively for Doctors with Africa CUAMM Website (www.mediciconlafrica.org) and not for further web sites that may be consulted by the user through hyperlinks.
Data Controller. The Data Controller is Doctors with Africa CUAMM, registered office in Via S. Francesco, 126 – 35121 Padova, Tax Code 00677540288, tel. +39 049 8751279, fax +39 049 8754738, email privacy@cuamm.org.
Data processing. Processing means any operation or set of operations, performed with or without the aid of automated processes applied to personal data or sets of personal data, such as collecting, recording, organizing, structuring, storing, adapting, modifying, extracting, consulting, using, communicating by sending, disseminating or any other mode of making the data available, comparing or interconnecting, limiting, deleting, or destroying.
Interested party. Interested person means the identified or identifiable natural person (User) whose personal data the data controller processes.
Data type. During processing, the data controller may become aware of personal data, which in all cases is provided spontaneously by Users when interacting with the Website’s functions or when asking to use services that the Site offers. This data may be:
Purposes of processing. The purposes of the personal data processing by the Data Controller are strictly related to and serving the purpose of contacts initiated through the Website. The data processing purposes are related to executing:
Lawfulness of processing. Personal data processing is lawful if:
Processing methods. The processing is conducted with information/automated systems and paper/manual systems for recording, managing, and sending the data with systems closely tied to the above purposes, on the part of individuals specifically engaged for that purpose. Specific security measures are adopted to prevent the loss of data, illicit or incorrect use of data and unauthorized access to the data.
Communication and dissemination of data. The data will be processed by staff engaged by the Data Controller and will not be disclosed to third parties except, depending on the specific purpose, to consultants, data processing companies, supervisory authorities and supervising bodies pursuant to inspections / audits or in cases provided for by the law, to subjects appointed to reviews, auditing and certification, to banks, post offices and credit card issuers to manage donation payments, insurance companies, and technical service providers (for example CRM managers, printers, couriers, hosting providers, IT companies, and communication agencies). It is not possible to disseminate the data to undetermined subjects.
Data retention. Your data is stored on a server located within the European Union. The retention period of the interested party’s data is limited to the time needed to execute the request, or the contact received through the Website, and, in all cases, strictly correlated to the specific processing purpose. For purposes related to contact with donors and in the area of raising awareness about organizational activities and initiatives/events organized by the Data Holder, the data retention is for 5 years from the last contact with the interested party. For purposes related to relationships with suppliers, the retention duration is 10 years from the end of the relationship; personal data may be processed for a longer duration when an event occurs that interrupts and/or suspends the terms and justifies an extension of the processing duration. For the purposes of collecting curriculum vitae of candidates applying to participate in the Data Holder’s activity, the retention duration is 5 years. Specific security measures are observed to prevent loss of data, illicit or incorrect use and unauthorized access.
More information and the rights of the interested party. For the purposes of correct and transparent processing, we inform you that the interested party:
How to exercise rights. At any moment, you may exercise rights by sending:
Social Media The Data Processor is not responsible for personal data that the User shares on the Data Processor’s Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, and Flickr platforms made available to promote the sharing of content and initiatives, and that could be improperly handled by third parties.
Browsing data During regular operation, the Website collects some data transmitted as an implicit part of the use of internet communication protocols. For example: IP addresses or domain names of the devices used by the users, addresses and the schedule of resource requests, and the method used in submitting the requests to the server. This Data is used anonymously and only for statistical purposes in relation to use of the site and to check its correct operation.
Cookies A cookie is a text file that is downloaded onto the hard disk of a computer only upon authorization (as set by the browser in use). Cookies serve to streamline the analysis of web traffic or to indicate when a specific site is visited and allow web applications to send information to individual Users. No personal data of Users is acquired by the Website in this process. We do not use cookies to transmit information of a personal nature or to track Users. The use of session cookies is strictly limited to the transmission of session identifiers (consisting of random numbers generated by the server) required to allow safe and efficient browsing of the Website. The session cookies used in the Website avoid using other information technology that could potentially compromise the confidentiality of users’ browsing and do not allow personal identification data of Users to be acquired.
European directive no. 2009/136/EC regulates the use of cookies. This website uses technical cookies to make it possible to provide its service. We also use the following third-party cookies to enhance the browsing experience of our site: